6 Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Poodles


Poodles Originated in Germany

Germans invented the Poodle, France's national dog.  The breed name derives from pudel or pudelin, German for to splash in the water. In France, the breed is nicknamed Caniche, meaning duck dog.


Originally Bred as Hunting Dogs

Water retrievers were their original breed. Their task was to return ducks and other birds to their owners. Over time, they've retained their talents. Some waterfowl hunters still utilise Poodles.


The Poodle Cut Is Functional

It may look like the ultimate dog fashion statement, but the conventional Poodle cut is functional. Less hair would make the Poodle a better swimmer but more cold-sensitive.


There Are Several Poodle Hairstyles

Each Poodle hairstyle has unique criteria for where and how long the puffs and pompoms should be. Adult Poodles must have one of three hairstyles to display.


They Come in Three Sizes

From small Toy to mid-sized Miniature to huge Standard, the breed comes in numerous sizes. All sizes are of the same breed and must meet breed standards.


Poodles Are Highly Active

Due to their duck hunting heritage, Poodles of all sizes require plenty of exercise. They adore fetch, running, and long walks and are great retrievers.